Technology rules in the home

Technology. Some hate it, most love it. Even more specific, most kids love it……! But are technology rules in the home, helpful or not?

Navigating the use of technology in our house is tricky, but we have 3 basic house rules that help.

In this blog post, I want to share with you how we manage the screen time, content and safety of our children when they use technology. I hope you find it useful and inspiring!

Rule number 1:

We have a clear limit on how much time they can spend on their devices each day. We use a timer app that tracks their usage and alerts them when they have reached their quota. We also have a no-screen policy during meals, homework and bedtime.

Rule number 2:

We monitor what they watch, play and learn online. We use parental controls and filters to block inappropriate or harmful content. We also check their browsing history and chat logs regularly. We encourage them to use educational and creative apps that stimulate their minds and skills.

Rule number 3:

We teach them how to be safe and respectful online. We talk to them about the dangers of cyberbullying, phishing, scams and strangers. We remind them to never share personal information or passwords with anyone. We also model good digital citizenship by being polite and positive in our own online interactions.

By following these technology rules in the home, we’re beginning to create a healthy and balanced relationship with technology in our family. We enjoy the benefits of technology without compromising our values and well-being. We also have more quality time together as a family, away from the screens. 3 rules don’t seem like many though, I would love to add a few more…..

What about you? How do you handle technology in your home? I would love to hear your thoughts and tips in the comments below!

By admin