Kindle schmindle….! As a parent, I’ve always been a fan of books. I love the smell of paper, the feel of turning pages, the sound of cracking spines. I love seeing my bookshelves filled with colourful covers and titles that spark my curiosity. And, I love sharing my favourite stories with my child and seeing her eyes light up with wonder.

But lately, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend. More and more kids are reading e-books instead of physical books. They’re glued to their screens, scrolling through endless pages of text without any tactile or visual feedback. They’re missing out on the joy of holding a book in their hands, of flipping through it at their own pace, of discovering hidden treasures in the illustrations or the margins.

Appreciate the art and craft of bookmaking…

books in black wooden book shelf. More and more kids are reading e-books instead of physical books.
Photo by Pixabay on

I don’t want my child reading e-books. I want her to experience the magic of books as I did when I was young. Isn’t it better for her to develop a love for reading that goes beyond convenience or novelty. I want her to appreciate the art and craft of bookmaking, the history and culture of literature, the diversity and richness of stories.

That’s why I make sure to buy her physical books whenever I can. We take her to the library and the bookstore and let her choose what she wants to read. she has a bedtime story every night and we talk to her about what we read. I encourage her to write her own stories, draw her own pictures and ultimately show her that books are more than just words on a screen. They are windows to other worlds, keys to imagination, friends for life.

I don’t want my child reading e-books. And even though more and more kids are reading e-books instead of physical books. I want her reading actual books. Am I wrong?

By admin